Strike the Blood IV Episode 01

Season ke-4 Anime Strike the Blood.

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Ecchi, Vampire, Fantasy
Studios: Connect
Director: Yamamoto Hideyo
Original Creator: Mikumo Gakuto
Rating: R+ – Mild Nudity (unc. ver.)
Translator: Prenaria-sama
Editor, Timer, Encoder, & Sisanya: Labqy

[Quinime] Strike the Blood IV – 01 [BD 720p][59C8D97B].mkv
Google Drive | Google Drive 2 | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Alternative*

[Quinime] Strike the Blood IV – 01 [BD 480p][C1825F0D].mkv
Google Drive | Google Drive 2 | Solidfiles | Alternative*

[Quinime] Strike the Blood IV – 01 [BD 720p HD][DF98460E].mkv
Zippysahre | Mirrorcreator | Alternative*

*Untuk Fanshare silakan pakai link Alternative
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41 Responses

          1. hah true HD ukuranya cuman 300MBan jgn ngibul lu k0nt0l true HADE mamak lo ngelonte di cyna

          2. Maksud THD di sini, video nya gak di encode, asli dari download gak di apa-apain. maaf ya

  1. Lanjut terus min….
    Btw min tolong adain komentar lewat diqus dong, biar lbh mudah utk komentarnya agar ga ribet lgi nulis nama & email plss….

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